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2024-07-03 18:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dia Mirza and Adrian Grenier have a message for you: It’s easy to beat plastic. They’re part of a bunch of celebrities staring in a new video for World Environment Day-encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your single-use Plastic staples to combat the plastic crisis.


a bunch of  大量的

swap out  将……替换掉

staple  n. 日常必需品

combat  v. 与……战斗,与……斗争




My biggest concern with leaving it up to the individual, however, is our limited sense of what needs to be achieved On their own, taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us. They could even be detrimental, satisfying a need to have "done our bit" without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions---a kind of "moral licensing" that allays our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.


concern  n. 忧虑,担心

grocery store  食品杂货店

detrimental  a. 有害的,不利的

bold  a. 果敢的,无畏的

allay  v. 消除或减轻(恐惧/担忧等)

moral licensing  道德许可效应




While the conversation around our environment and our responsibility toward it remains centered on shopping bags and straws, we're ignoring the balance of power that implies that as "consumers" we must shop sustainably, rather than as "citizens" hold our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change.


imply  v. 暗示,暗指

sustainably  ad. 可持续地




It’s important to acknowledge that the environment isn’t everyone’s priority-or even most people’s. We shouldn’t expect it to be .In her latest book, Why Could People Do Bad Environmental Things, Wellesley College professor Elizabeth R. DeSombre argue that the best way to collectively change the behavior of large numbers of people is for the change to be structural.


acknowledge  v. 承认(事实或情况)

priority  n. 优先考虑、处理的事,当务之急

collectively  ad. 集体地,共同地


必须承认,环境并不是每个人的首要任务,甚至不是大多数人的首要任务。我们不应该期望它如此。在她最新的一本书《为什么人们会做不好的环境事情》中,韦尔斯利学院教授伊丽莎白德索姆布雷(Elizabeth R.DeSombre)认为,集体改变大量人行为的最佳方式是改变是结构性的。


This might mean implementing policy such as a plastic tax that adds a cost to environmentally problematic action, or banning single-use plastics altogether. India has just announced it will” eliminate all single-use plastic in the country by 2022.” There are also incentive-based ways of making better environmental choices easier, such as ensuring recycling is at least as easy as trash disposal.


implement  v. 贯彻,执行

problematic  a. 难对付的,成问题的

eliminate  v. 消灭,根除

incentive-based  a. 激励性的

trash  n. 废物,垃圾

disposal  n. 丢弃,清除




De Sombre isn’t saying people should stop caring about the environment. It’s just that individual actions are too slow, she says, for that to be only, or even primary, approach to changing widespread behavior.


primary  a. 首要的,主要的




 None of this is about writing off the individual. It’s just about putting things into perspective. We don’t have time to wait. We need progressive policies that shape collective action (and rein in polluting business), alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.


perspective  n. 合理判断,正确认识

progressive  a. 进步的,先进的

shape  v. 塑造

rein in  控制

engaged  a. 被卷入的,参与的




36. Some celebrities star in a new video to       .

[A] demand new laws on the use of plastics

[B] urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

[C] invite public opinion on the plastics crisis

[D] disclose the causes of the plastics crisis

37.The author is concerned that “moral licensing” may        .

[A] mislead us into doing worthless things

[B] prevent us from making further efforts

[C] weaken our sense of accomplishment

[D] suppress our desire for success

38. By pointing out identity “citizens”, the author indicates that       .

[A] our focus should be shifted to community welfare

[B] our relationship with local industries is improving

[C] We have been actively exercising our civil rights

[D] We should press our government to lead the combat

39. De Sombre argues that the best way for a collective change should be       .

[A] a win-win arrangement

[B] a self-driven mechanism

[C] a cost-effective approach

[D] a top down process

40. The author concludes that individual efforts       .

[A] can be too aggressive

[B] can be too inconsistent

[C] are far from sufficient

[D] are far from rational




36、根据题干定位首段的第三句话,即“encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your single-use plastic staples like straws and cutlery to combat the plastic crisis.”意思是“鼓励消费者减少使用一次性塑料制品,从而对抗塑料危机”。仔细观察四个选项,选项[B]中的 “urge”一词与原文中的 “encourage”一词属于同义替换,“cut the use of plastics”与原文中的 “swap out your single-use plastic staples”意思一致,所以正确答案即为[B]选项。

37、题干中问作者担忧“moral licensing”可能如何,第二段最后一句“they could even be detrimental, satisfying a need to have “done our bit”without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions”意为“他们没有采取更大、更明显、更有效的措施”,仔细观察选项,只有选项[B]中的”prevent us from making further efforts”,即“妨碍我们进一步的行动”,故[B]正确。

38、根据题干定位到原文中的第三段,因为该段只有一句话,所以根据关键信息我们只需要理解后半句 “rather than as “citizens”hold our governments and industries to account to push for real systematic change”,意即“而不是作为“市民”,去推动我们的政府和行业去做出真正的系统性的改变”。意思就是作者希望政府自发作出改变来应对当下的情形,只有[D]选项表达出这一层含义。

39、根据题干定位到文中的第四、五段,“Elizaberth R. DeSombre... for the change to be structural”,大意为这个教授认为集体性的改变大多数人行为最好的方法就是使其变成结构性的,第五段进一步从市民和政府的角度,阐述了这种结构化的改变。对比选项,只有[D]选项“自上而下的过程”最为符合。




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